Last week sustaining giver cards went out in the mail, giving you a chance to make a renewed (or first-time! How we love first-time givers!) commitment to being a sustaining giver to First Church Berkeley.
You’ll be invited to bring your commitment card down the aisle during worship this Sunday to be blessed at the communion table.
Your sustaining gift (via electronic giving or snail mail, sent weekly, monthly, or on your own schedule) keeps the church’s ministries and maintenance humming along. It pays staff salaries, keeps the lights on, and funds our many no-cost programs: the “spirit” of our church. Find out more about Giving to First Church here.
And in just a few months, you will hear more about a churchwide initiative to raise capital for our NEW program wing—the “flesh” of our church, as we put up a completely new, accessible, environmentally sustainable building post-fire! We have been without a program building for 6 years, when the great fire of 2016 stole our large assembly, kitchen, Sunday school and conference rooms, offices & more. We are about ready to start the foundation work, and we will be ready to move in about a year! Insurance funds will cover approximately 90% of the cost, and the last 10% our current members and friends get to have a hand in making happen. It’s not every day you literally get in on the ground floor of something so magical and enduring. Stay tuned!