UCC Webinar on Immigrant Welcoming Congregations

Today, Thurs., Oct. 20, 12:30 pm Pacific
Register here

If you were moved by the story Rev. Molly told about Rev. Kaji Dousa in last Sunday’s sermon and want to get more involved in supporting new arrivals to our country, this webinar would be a good place to start. You can also talk to any member of the Sanctuary Accompaniment Team of our church: Carolyn Ash, Stan Boghosian, Ann Naffziger, Kathryn Stambaugh, or Andrea Trexler.

Today’s webinar is led by faith leaders and impacted leaders in the field who are doing on-the-ground community organizing with UCC congregations on border issues, immigrants’ rights, Sanctuary, refugee resettlement, and the accompaniment of asylum seekers as part of the greater struggle for human rights and dignity for all people. Presenters will share stories of how anti-immigrant policies are hurting our community members and offer examples of how to create concrete methodologies to educate and move your congregation to effectively engage on the issue of immigration. Participants will leave with a step-by-step process of becoming an immigrant welcoming and/or Sanctuary congregation.

This webinar is part of a special series of Thursdays for the Soul webinars focused on twelve Just World Covenant programs in the United Church of Christ. On the third Thursday of each month, one of these programs will be featured. Learn more at: www.ucc.org/just_world_covenants.