Since virtual worship has liberated us to invite any preacher, anywhere to join us in worship, we are taking this opportunity to invite some cherished alums back into First Church’s pulpit, as well as sought-after preachers who might ordinarily be too in demand to join us.
Sunday, June 7, Rev. Maren Tirabassi, longtime pastor (including Molly’s predecessor at First Church Somerville UCC) and prolific author and Facebook current-events poet will be our preacher for the day. Check out this description of a writing workshop Maren will lead for us by Zoom the day previous, Saturday June 6.
Sunday, June 28, Rev. Quinn Caldwell, pastor, author and member of the Stillspeaking Writers’ Group will preach for us on Pride Sunday. Some of you have said that Quinn is your favorite (ahem) devotional writer–hope you enjoy his unique word spoken directly to our community!