Update from the Blue Fire Committee

The Blue Fire Committee and the project architects, Seigel and Strain, are currently expecting a more accurate estimate to arrive from our construction project managers based on the 41 pages of architectural, landscape and engineering drawings and multiple pages of system’s narratives produced by our design team working with the Blue Fire committee. We are very excited by the design to date but now await confirmation that what we have collectively designed is something we can afford. Our next task will be to refine the design to align with our budget. Once achieved, the design team can move to executing working drawings that can be used for permitting, bidding and construction. In tandem with this process, the committee has been working on a submittal to the planning department to address their concerns. We expect to have more to report on in December.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact members of the committee, Scott Sporte (chair), Molly Baskette, Moe Wright, Leonard Ash, Kara Korbel Chinula, Lorenzo Llanillo, Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch and Roger Bash.

October 29, 2020