Saturday, April 10, 7 pm
The young adult group gathers for a virtual night at the theater! Feel the Spirit is a live Zoom performance, a world premiere commission by the Shotgun players, which follows a young, queer pastor attempting to navigate her new congregation’s shift to online worship due to COVID-19. As seasons change outside and the flat timeline of quarantine continues, the church fights to maintain a practice that rotates around fellowship and community across generations and cultures when they can’t hug, cook, or sing together.
Feel the Spirit is presented as a Zoom meeting, in the style of the church gathering. During parts of the show, you will be invited to speak and share via video, text, or in a breakout room. Participation is not mandatory, and patrons are welcome to opt in or out of sharing their audio or video at any point in time.
Let Kit N know if you’d like to claim one of 2 remaining tickets already covered by a member of the group ($25). But all tickets are “pay what you can,” so you can also go ahead and reserve your own tix:!
We’ll also have an optional 30 min Zoom after-party hang out right after the play to talk about it, connect, etc:
Meeting ID: 817 8480 0237 Passcode: 439205