interior view of Sanctuary from balcony in black & white

147th Annual Meeting

Sun., Feb. 6, 2022 @ 11:15 am

Watch the Annual Meeting here:
View or download Annual Report 2021 here:

Annual Meeting for 2022 will be held online on Sun., Feb. 6 on our Church Zoom platform at 11:15 am after worship.  We had hoped that we would be able to gather in person, but we are called to be God’s flexible and resilient people, again. We are blessed to gather as a church community in any manner needed, because we are here right now, in this time, together.

We will be voting on the Proposed Annual Budget of 2022 and on the slate of Congregational Leaders to include officers, ministries, committees, and council members-at-large. Voting will take place live during the Zoom Annual Meeting using Zoom’s polling feature. If there is more than one voting member in your household and you would all want your individual votes counted, please be sure to be signed in through your own Zoom accounts on separate devices. The Zoom polling feature can only tabulate one vote per account signed in.

We will also be voting on the slate of candidates for the Search Committee, who will start to move forward with calling our third pastor who will be our Associate Minister of Youth, Young Adults, and Emerging Ministries. We hope to have this position filled by Aug. 2022.

We have learned a lot about virtual meeting spaces and we have all discovered some norms for both online life and real life.  Our Virtual Annual Meeting will largely be all about the business of our church with the transition of leadership and budget being the priority.  We hope to gather in person later in February or early March when we can share some fellowship, break some bread, and hear about this year’s  vision from our new Moderator Hope Hilton.

It has been an honor for me to serve you all as your Moderator this past year.  I have been blessed by your trust, support, and shared community.

Person smiling holding a cup

Blessings to you,
Sara Woods