Risen in These Bodies: Exploring Disability Theology with Disability Theory
Begins Wednesday, April 14Wednesdays, 12-1 pmhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/83166515680?pwd=QXNqK2NNbjdBMU9US1ZnZVdqd0Z2Zz09ID: 831 6651 5680 Passcode: 104727 This Easter season, take the opportunity to wrestle with our theology of disability with guest leader Rev. Miriam Spies, a minister in the United Church of Canada who is working on doctoral research in disability theology. Rev. Miriam brings the field of disability studies (and “crip theory”) into conversation …
New Members: February 2021
Welcome to our most recent new members! Cindy A (she/her) Cindy is an ordained minister of the UCC and a Chaplain who has been serving the sick and the most vulnerable for over 25 years. She works in the Psychiatric unit and cancer center, providing pastoral care and counseling to patients and staff. She loves her job and considers it …
Earth Day: “Kiss the Ground” Film Discussion
Virtual DiscussionApril 24, 7 pmhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/89502260280?pwd=aDZWMWkyMExCOW9GeW9uakhDckxnZz09ID: 895 0226 0280 Passcode: 681740 This year for Earth Day, FCCB’s Green Team invites you to watch “Kiss the Ground” documentary and then follow up on April 24 at 7 pm participate in a virtual discussion. The film is available now on Netflix, or at Interfaith Power & Light’s website after April 1.
Holy Week & Easter 2021
Easter Sunday, April 4 Resurrection Worship10 am, Online YouTube | Facebook | Vimeo Holy Week Podcast This year, as an addition to the Holy Week services online and the outdoor Easter Sunrise, there’s a 30-minute podcast to help you get in the emotional space for Easter. A mix of meditative prompts and music, the podcast would be a great soundtrack to a walk through a …
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