The Endowment Committee wishes to thank all those who attended the May 1, 2022 Legacy Circle luncheon. We had over 20 participants and it was a wonderful opportunity to share information about the First Church Endowment and to celebrate those in our congregation who have established a planned gift to First Church Berkeley. We are so grateful to our Legacy Circle members and those saints who have gone before who included First Church in their legacy giving.
If you were not able to attend but are interested in learning more, check out the Legacy Lunch presentation slides here. We also have lots more information on planned giving and the Legacy Circle on the church’s website “Give” section. If you are interested in talking more about planned giving to First Church Berkeley, you can have a confidential conversation with members of the Endowment Committee Amy Hiestand ([email protected]) or Charles Taylor ([email protected]), our Senior Minister Molly Baskette, Business Manager Kit Dunbar, or Church Treasurer Moe Wright.