Sun., Nov. 19, 11:45 am, Loper Chapel
As people of faith, we are called to end the dehumanizing treatment in jails, which contributes to unnecessary harm and death, and to advocate for alternatives to incarceration. Join Micky Duxbury, frequent visitor to First Church Berkeley and member of the Interfaith Coalition for Justice in our Jails, and Joy George, Restore Oakland staff member and member of the Care First Community Coalition, in this discussion about justice in our criminal legal system.
The Care First Community Coalition is a group that pressures the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to shift tax dollars away from the sheriff’s department and jails and into community-based mental health services. This coalition helped pass the Care First, Jails Last Resolution in 2021. They advocate for an upstream, community-based, life-affirming continuum of care, instead of incarceration.