During this time of worshipping and gathering virtually, we are longing to stay connected. We invite you to share how you are experiencing God and the prayers on your heart over social media using one of these fun hashtags: #GodSightings , #spirituallyconnectingwhilephysicallydistancing and/ or, inspired by our Lent theme: #drawingnearwhilemakingspace (We couldn’t pick just one! May the best hashtag win?) You might include a photo or video. As with all of social media, you get to choose your level of privacy in sharing. Please join us in sharing in one of these three ways:
1. Post your spiritual reflections/photos/videos/prayers on your own personal account via Instagram or Facebook, and add one of the fun hashtags above. Please make your post Public if you’re willing to have us re-post it to our public Facebook page, use it in the worship webcast, the Carillon, for the Daily Digital Divine, etc.
2. Post them privately on the First Church Community Facebook Group, a great resource during this time! If you are local and haven’t already joined the private Facebook group, feel free to send a request here! (You need a Facebook account to join, let us know if you need assistance).
3. If social media isn’t your thing, but you’d like to participate, send your God sighting submissions to Ben at [email protected]. Please let us know if you’d like us to share it privatelywith the community group, or if you give us permission to post it publicly via the public church Instagram/Facebook page/Carillon. And please indicate how/if you’d like your name shared.
Here’s an example from Carolyn Ash (who originated this idea!), shared privately today to the First Church Community Facebook group (and now, via Carillon):