The Ministry of Stewardship Finance & Administration (SF&A) wishes to thank everyone who has committed to being a sustaining giver for the coming year so First Church Berkeley can continue to thrive as a faith community and place of transformation. Please submit your commitment information to church as soon as possible so we can accurately plan for the future. As reference, our approved 2021 budget included $620,000 from 157 sustaining givers, and we need to meet or exceed this level for 2022’s budgeting purposes. In September, we sent a letter to over 230 individuals and families in our church community – people who have been participating in the life of our church for many years as well as new folks in our church community – we hope you had an opportunity to review that letter and consider how you will be able to make a financial investment to ensure the ongoing vitality of our programs and ministries through your sustaining giving to First Church.
As of Dec. 8, the church has received 125 commitments totaling $ 555,647 in sustaining giving commitments for 2022 – we hope to receive more in the coming month to reach the church’s stewardship goals. If you were one of those who submitted, thank you! If you have not yet submitted a sustaining giving commitment, we invite you to consider making a commitment of any amount—we promise, having a stake in this church will deepen your sense of belonging! If you are already giving, we invite you to consider whether increasing your pledge is possible. And please know that if your circumstances change during the year, you are always able to change what you are giving. If you get a big raise, maybe you’ll be able to give more; if things shift the other direction, you can always decrease or stop your ongoing giving.
It’s easy to submit your sustaining commitment! Here are instructions on how to submit your sustained giving commitment. If you’d like a commitment card mailed to you, or if you’d simply like to notify the church directly, please email or call Business Manager Kit Dunbar at [email protected] or 510/225-6814. All are invited to become sustaining givers!
With thanks and gratitude – Members of SF&A Ministry