Sun., April 21, gather @ 1:30 pm; walk @ 2 pm
St. Mary Magdalen Church, 2005 Berryman St., Berkeley
This year’s Berkeley CROP Hunger Walk takes place on Sun., April 21 with walkers gathering in the parking lot of St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church at 1:30 pm and the walk beginning at 2 pm. The event is one of over 500 participating walks nationally under the sponsorship of the Church World Service to raise funds to alleviate hunger. Walkers and/or those wishing to donate can find further information and sign up here: Walkers can also register at the event site.
Donations raised for this event will be shared with 75% going to Church World Service missions and 25% to support 3 local organizations (Dorothy Day House, Berkeley Food Pantry, and Youth Spirit Artworks). Checks should be payable to CWS/CROP and dropped off or mailed to First Congregational Church, 2330 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94704, attention, CROP Walk Treasurer. FCCB will again host a Welcome and Rest Table at the parking lot entrance at 2330 Durant Avenue during the walk. Please consider walking and/or donating in support of hunger programs locally and worldwide.