The Committee of Involvement is currently seeking to match members with various church leadership positions. Formal elections will be held at the Annual Meeting on the first Sunday in February. Every member is invited to let the committee know of their interest in any position, in particular, interest in serving on any of our six ministries. Terms are typically two years.
At present all ministries are meeting virtually, approximately once a month, with some taking sabbath in the summer. Other open positions include at-large members of the Church Council, Long-Range Planning, delegates, and at-large members of the Committee of Involvement itself.
The ministries and committees are described below. Please consider serving your church in this way—both to deepen your own sense of connection and purpose, and to keep our church vital and thriving.
Adult Education
This Ministry organizes and promotes educational events that reflect congregational needs and interests, and emerging issues in the moral realm. Topics may deal explicitly or implicitly with Christ’s teachings, and apply them to all aspects of life: family and personal relationships, physical and mental health, spiritual growth, and social justice.
Care, Fellowship & Invitation
This Ministry promotes fellowship and hospitality to the church family. CF&I strives to provide the means by which all may be drawn to experience and understand God’s love through fellowship and an extended hand. In non-COVID times, CF&I is responsible for organizing food for the Afterparty and other fellowship opportunities.
Families, Children & Youth
This Ministry is devoted to nurturing and supporting the faith formation of children, youth, and the adults who love them as they embark on a spiritual journey over a lifetime. Inclusivity, spiritual activism/social justice, support for parents and other caregivers as they guide their children’s wellbeing and development, engaging children and youth in inspired worship, seasonal events, and providing opportunities for intergenerational connection all are core aspects of FamChY’s work.
Justice & Service
This Ministry promotes and is responsible for advocacy, hands-on projects, and education related to social justice issues, including the twice-a-year Service as Worship service project event, and managing the process by which local and global agencies are invited to receive the weekly plate offering.
Stewardship, Finance & Administration (SF&A)
This Ministry promotes the responsible stewardship of the church’s physical plant, property, and finances in support of the church and its missions. It also has responsibility for emergency planning and preparedness. The Treasurer and Business Manager are standing members.
Worship & Spiritual Life (Deacons)
This Ministry assists in developing and maintaining the Church’s openness to God’s spirit by supporting the worship life of the Congregation, to include Church services and the sacraments. The Ministry shall also be responsible for the operation, appointments, and use of the sanctuary and chapel, and the spiritual well-being of the membership including writing Love Notes to those who live alone or are having a difficult time.
Council of the Congregation (Church Council) Members at large participate in meetings of the Council, which meets once a month, virtually at present. Church Council is the senior leadership body of the congregation, representing the congregation in important decisions, managing conflict in healthy ways, and coordinating the programming and vision of the church. Terms are two years.
Long-Range Planning Committee supports the Senior Minister, Moderator and Moderator-Elect, in brainstorming and enacting congregation-wide projects related to our vision and mission. Terms are two years.
Delegates represent the congregation at the United Church of Christ Northern California Nevada Conference Annual Gathering and at ecclesiastical councils and ordinations of the Bay Association of the conference (currently all virtual).
Committee of Involvement (COI) recruits and nominates candidates for various church leadership positions. The clerk, immediate past moderator, and immediate past ministry chairs serve one-year terms. Members at large serve two-year terms. The work of COI happens primarily November-January.
If you are interested in serving on a ministry or committee or in another position, or would like to have a conversation to see where your skills and interests would be a good fit, please contact Rev. Molly or one of the following members of the Committee of Involvement: Brian Hauck, Amy Hiestand (for SF&A), Phil Adams (for Justice & Service), Leonard Ash, Janet McDonald.
Janet McDonald, Clerk