Do you feel the joy of the Christmas season? You’re not alone if your joy is mixed with some anxiety and sadness. The stress from planning the perfect holiday with the perfect gifts takes its toll. However, there’s one gift that is sure to bring joy, and that is your donation to the Christmas Offering.
This year’s Christmas offering, to be received on Christmas Eve (Sat., 12/24) and Christmas Sunday, is directed to two local organizations that do God’s work in the community: the East Bay Sanctuary Covenant and the Young Lives Matter Foundation.
Please give generously in support of these worthwhile causes. You can donate online at (log in, click “Giving,” then the blue +Give button, then choose the fund “Christmas Offering”) or at, or by check to First Church Berkeley with “Christmas Offering” in the memo line. The check can be mailed to First Church Berkeley, 2330 Durant Ave., Berkeley, CA 94704, or you can place it in the offering basket at the Christmas Eve service, 4 pm or 9 pm. Thank you for your generous support.
To read the Christmas offering letter in its entirety, click here.