…that there are many ways you can help out before, during, and after our Sunday morning worship service? Look for the “Ready to Help” whiteboard in the Hall of Entrance to see how you can lend a hand.
…that the Bay Association (BA) of the Northern California Nevada Conference of the United Church of Christ (NCNC UCC) has a new website? You can see a list of all our BA churches with links to their websites and find out about upcoming BA and NCNC UCC events. Visit the website here.
…that Camp Tamarack needs you? Counselors are needed for all 3 weeks of camp this summer (July 17 – 23; July 24 – 30; July 31 – Aug. 6) and the Senior High week also needs Directors, a Chaplain, and a Medical Supervisor. Find out more on the Bay Association’s new website here or the NCNC UCC website here.
…that you can participate in the Second Sunday Sandwich Ministry by making sandwiches, donating supplies (bread, cookies, fruit, etc.) or funds to purchase these supplies? Sign up here.
…that you can see First Church member Mary-Ellis Adams in the play Adam’s Rib at the Berkeley Town & Gown Club, March 25 – 27, 2401 Dwight Way at Dana Street? Admission is free. Friday show is at 7:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday at 3 pm.