Fri.- Sun., Nov. 10 – 12, 2023
St. Dorothy’s Rest Retreat Center, Camp Meeker, CA
Does the suggestion of spending two days in silence terrify you? Intrigue you? Sound wonderful? Then maybe you’re being nudged to come and see what gifts are in store for you as you connect with God in beautiful nature. Join Rev. Kelly and Ann Naffziger beginning at dinnertime on Friday and continuing until mid-afternoon Sunday as we set aside work and outside stimulation to listen for how God is speaking to us beneath all the noise of our everyday lives. We’ll be in silence “together,” not speaking, but being in the company of others on the retreat grounds if you wish. There will be an opening session giving tips, suggestions, and resources for how to structure your time, and describing some typical patterns that happen on silent retreats. On Saturday, Ann will offer optional individual spiritual direction sessions. Saturday evening and Sunday morning there will be optional, contemplative prayer services. We’ll break the silence after lunch on Sunday to share the surprises and graces of the retreat. The cost is $350, primarily for rental of the retreat space and meals, but do not let financial need be a reason to keep you away. Scholarships are available! The registration deadline is October 25. Email Ann Naffziger with any questions: [email protected]