by Kelly Colwell and Sheryl Johnson
We are excited to be helping out during Rev. Kit’s Sabattical in January and February! We will be holding some office hours, offering some pastoral care, holding some young adult events, and generally helping out wherever we are needed! We would be happy to be in touch at any time with you – e-mail is probably the easiest way ([email protected] and [email protected]).
I (Sheryl) haven’t been around FCCB on Sundays much since 2017 – so if we haven’t met yet, I look forward to it! I grew up in Canada (Winnipeg – brr!) and met Kelly in 2007 at a conference for undergraduates thinking about ministry – and we have been together since 2010! I went to theological school in Toronto and was ordained in 2014. I came to Berkeley in 2016 to pursue a PhD in Christian economic ethics at Graduate Theological Union. On Sundays, Kelly and I both serve at the Congregational Church of San Mateo but we live in Berkeley and love the community! You can find me co-working at FCCB on Thursdays (and now Tuesdays too!), helping with Open Chapel on Wednesdays, biking around town, hiking whenever I get a chance, etc!
You’ve seen a little bit more of me (Kelly) over the last few years, but I’ve been mostly absent on Sundays as well, working first at St. John’s UCC in San Francisco and now at the Congregational Church of San Mateo as Sheryl said. I grew up in Portland, Oregon, went to college in Boulder, Colorado (where I first met the UCC) and lived in Toronto, Ontario for six years before moving here in 2016–I’m also a PhD student at GTU, in practical theology, working on a project about places where evangelicals and progressive mainline protestants encounter each other. You can find me at Open Chapel, as many other non-Sunday events as I can make it to, and like Sheryl, biking and hiking! I’m getting ordained soon at FCCB–more details to come soon!
Upcoming Office Hours:
Wednesday, January 8 – 3:30pm at 1951 Coffee Company
Tuesday, Jan 21 – 5pm at Cafe Mezzo