by Richard Hom

All of us remember the horrific images on the news of the wildfires in the North Bay and the devastation they caused. Two NCNC lay leaders, Dick Hom and Roy Mosley (former Conference Moderators) were moved to act. In short order they generated interest in a “Helping Hands Fundraiser” which included 3 music concerts in 3 different areas of our Conference. One was in late November and two were in December. The goal was to raise $10,000 for the Conference to use to provide relief for those affected by the wildfires.
First Congregational Church of Berkeley, St. John’s UCC in San Francisco, and Pioneer Congregational Church in Sacramento were the venues where these concerts were held. Talents from the local areas performed and people were more than generous. Conference Associations, NCNC churches and individuals opened up their hearts and pocketbooks and we ended up with a final total of over $23,100. Praise God!

The Conference will use the money for short- and long-term recovery needs in the communities affected by the wildfires. They will work with the churches and Long-Range Planning Committees in these communities to identify where funds are needed. Thanks to everyone who donated to this cause. It just goes to show what our Conference can do when there is a need. What a way to begin the new year!