Save the Dates – Sat. mornings (9 to 11:30 am) beginning Sept. 10 – Nov. 12 – on Zoom

The Mental Health Ministry will be offering Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) this fall to church members and friends. Classes will be every Saturday morning (9 t0 11:30 am) from Sept. 10 through Nov. 12.
The Mindful Self-Compassion program includes 23 proven practices to reduce stress. It’s simple, and helps to calm anxiety, reduce fear and worry, and promote happiness. The teaching is informed by years of ongoing clinical research and the feedback of over 3,000 MSC teachers worldwide. Each session offers information, experiential practice, and meditation, to develop deep self-care for everyday life in these challenging times.
For more information, contact co-teachers, Nancy DeNero ([email protected]) or Judy Huston. ([email protected]).