The Stewardship Finance & Administration (SF&A) Ministry wishes to thank everyone who has committed to being a sustaining giver for the coming year so First Church Berkeley can continue to thrive as a faith community and place of transformation. As of October 30th, the church has received 102 commitments totaling $506,150 in sustaining giving commitments for 2021. If you have not yet had the opportunity to make a sustaining giving commitment, we hope you’ll prayerfully consider making an ongoing financial contribution to First Church and submit your commitment information to church no later than November 20th so SF&A can accurately plan for the future. (As reference, we are aiming for $650,000 in commitments for next year’s budgeting purposes; our approved 2020 budget includes $677k from 171 sustaining givers.)
It’s easy to submit your sustaining commitment! You can complete an online commitment form at, download a fillable form that can be emailed or sent, at, or enter your giving information directly into your Realm account. If you’d like a commitment card mailed to you, or if you’d simply like to notify the church directly, please email or call Kit Dunbar, Business Manager, at [email protected] or 510-225-6814. With thanks and gratitude – the SF&A Ministry