Sun., March 24, 10 am
Last Palm Sunday, we invited you to bring protest signs for the Palm Parade–and you did such a great job, we’re inviting you to BYO props again!
This year, instead of protest signs, we’re asking you to bring:
- Branches, palms, greenery from your garden or yard (bring a little extra for those who don’t have yards). Buying palm branches from the internet costs $ and is less environmentally just. This year we’re going to do as the people around Jesus did, and just use what’s at hand for an immediate, local flavor, and allows us to participate more fully
- Also make signs at home indicating the “hard asks” that Christianity demands of us: shorthand for our faith. You might write on your sign “Love your enemy” “Feed the hungry” “Visit those in prison” “Love yourself” “Use your words” “Walk humbly” “Don’t return evil for evil!” or any other short phrase that is a guiding light from your faith/the Bible.