Palm Sunday Parade Invitations: Submit a Video and/or Participate in a Pre-Recorded Parade

Remember how moving and fun it was to see us all waving our palms last Palm Sunday? This year, you have two options for participating in our second (and hopefully last?) virtual Palm Sunday parade: 

  1. Submit an individual video: Find some foliage, draw a palm, or pick one up from church (this Friday, 3/19, 1-4 pm) or participating Neighborhood captains, then film (horizontally, if possible!) your/your household’s Palm Sunday parade (10-20 seconds) and send to Ben ([email protected]) by Tuesday 3/23. And since we all need as much hope and beauty as we can get, this year’s invitation is to film yourself in the most beautiful spot you can find! Dance in front of your favorite magnolia tree or your best sunset view (there may be prizes for most beautiful backdrop!) If your video won’t send by email, you can use the free service at, or Google Drive/Dropbox. 
  2. Join a Masked, Distanced Pre-recording of the Palm Parade on the church front lawn, Sunday, 3/21 (That’s the Sunday BEFORE Palm Sunday), at 4 pm. *Masks, social distancing, and RSVP required –> RSVP hereFeel free to park in the church parking lot, and walk around to the front lawn via Durant Ave (please avoid cutting through the Hall of Entrance). Rain or shine.