There are times in our lives when we could all use a prayer – prayers for ourselves, our loved ones, those we know, those we don’t, those places and situations where our hearts ache and where our hearts rejoice. Reach out with your joys, concerns, and sorrows. The ministers, staff, and church community want to accompany you on this journey called life as beloved siblings of God’s Kin-dom here on earth. Here’s how (and please note the ministers may not follow-up with you directly about your prayer request unless you specifically request that they do so):
- Reach out directly to Revs. Molly or Kelly (confidential or otherwise) – email or call the ministers at the church office, come to the weekly Pastor’s Office Hour, or schedule a time to meet (in person or virtually) at a mutually agreed upon time.
- Email our designated Prayer Team ([email protected]), which includes the ministers and the Pastoral Care Team. The Prayer Team meets bi-weekly to pray for your requests; prayers are confidential unless otherwise requested.
- Have your prayer included in the Tree of Life (a section in our weekly digital newsletter The Carillon) – email prayer requests to Louise Halsey ([email protected]) by Tuesday, 5 pm for the next Sunday’s edition; generally prayers will be listed for 2 weeks unless a shorter or longer duration is desired.
- Have your prayer spoken aloud during Sunday morning worship – email the ministers directly or Louise Halsey ([email protected]) preferably by Friday, 5 pm.
- Add your prayer to the Welcome Form (our Sunday morning virtual sign-in sheet. Find the link in the chat during the webcast). Your prayer and those of the congregation are shared at the weekly staff meeting and prayed for by the ministers and staff.
- Write your prayer in the Chat (YouTube, Facebook or Vimeo) during our live Sunday morning webcast. Your prayers are shared at the weekly staff meeting and prayed for by the ministers and staff.
- Post your prayer on our private First Church Berkeley Community Facebook page