Fri., Dec. 30, 4 to 10 pm, First Church Berkeley Sanctuary
Sing For Your Life! 2022 will be a six-hour continuous circle of improvised vocal beauty and delight facilitated by David Worm, Voices in a New World, and other community facilitators. Parts are given to each section of the circle, and the music is created, in-the-moment in this improvised tradition Bobby McFerrin brought to us. A small group of volunteers create this event each year. If you would like to volunteer to help us make it happen, it’s a great way to meet new friends and be a part of something that uplifts hearts and weaves community. Email [email protected]
- Sing for Your Life! 2022
- Friday, December 30th 4pm – 10pm
- First Congregational Church of Berkeley Sanctuary (enter off Dana St)
- Suggested Donation $20 – no one turned away for lack of funds
Come and go, or stay for the whole time. Masks and distancing by personal choice. Please come healthy or stay home.