In an effort to strengthen California’s green energy goals with justice and equity, please help us repeal the California Utility Tax that is being decided on this week! See below for a sample script.
Statement to make to Senator Nancy Skinner and to Assembly Member Buffy Wicks or their staff:
Please vote to repeal the utility provision of AB 205 and Public Utilities Code 739.9.
- Call Senator Nancy Skinner’s office – (916) 651-4009 & Assembly Member Buffy Wicks’s office – (916) 319-2014
- Identify yourself and your city of residence.
- Make the following statement to the staff member:
The UTILITY TAX PROVISION, embedded in the Trailer Bill, Assembly Bill 205, became law in 2023 with NO public hearing or discussion in 3 DAYS, despite being a major overhaul of the California electric rate system.
The legislature wrote a blank check to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) when they passed AB 205, and we cannot trust the CPUC to get this right. This is the legislature’s responsibility to fix this problem by repealing the Utility Tax provision in AB 205. Changes to the California electric rate system need to be fully discussed before being made.
Thank you for your help! (1/25/2024)