The Committee of Involvement is considering members for various church leadership positions. Every member is welcome to let the committee know of their interest in any position, in particular, interest in serving on any of our six core ministries; terms are typically two years.
All ministries usually meet after church on the first Sunday of the month (in December SF& A will be meeting on December 8). Visit a ministry meeting to see what might be a good fit for you. Free childcare is provided.
Learn More – Ministry “Mini-Fair” – Dec. 15, during the After Party! Visit with members of each ministry to find out what they do.
More about the Ministries… Adult Education – is responsible for providing ongoing education for adults that reflects congregational needs and interests in understanding Christ’s teachings and applying them to all aspects of life: family and personal relationships, physical and mental health, spiritual growth, and social justice.
Care, Fellowship & Invitation (CF&I) – promotes fellowship and hospitality to the church family. CF&I strives to provide the means by which all may be drawn to experience and understand God’s love through fellowship and an extended hand.
Families, Children & Youth (FamChY) – is devoted to nurturing and supporting the faith formation of children, youth and the adults who love them as they embark on a spiritual journey over a lifetime. Inclusivity, spiritual activism/social justice, support for parents and other caregivers as they guide their children’s wellbeing and development, engaging children and youth in inspired worship, and providing opportunities for intergenerational connection all are core aspects of FamChY’s work.
Justice & Service – promotes and is responsible for activities, projects, and education related to homeland and world ministries, local outreach, Christian social issues, and ecumenical organizations.
Stewardship, Finance & Administration (SF&A) – promotes the responsible stewardship of the church’s physical plant, property, and finances in support of the church and its missions. It also has responsibility for emergency planning and preparedness. The Treasurer and Business Manager are standing members.
Worship & Spiritual Life (Deacons) – assists in developing and maintaining the Church’s openness to God’s spirit by planning and directing the formal and informal worship life of the Congregation, to include Church services and the sacraments. The Ministry shall also be responsible for the operation, appointments, and use of the sanctuary and chapel, spiritual well-being of the membership, assisting the Ministers in the spiritual care of the Congregation, and supporting those preparing for the ministry.
Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting February 2, 2020. Among other positions elected by the congregation are Moderator-Elect, Council At-Large, Long Range Planning, Delegates, Committee of Involvement.
Interested? Please reach out to Rev. Molly or Rev. Kit or one of the following members of the Committee of Involvement: Mary Fujii, Kara Korbel-Chinula, Janet McDonald, Emma S., Linda Sawyer.